Thursday, September 27, 2007

Little gray men… Really?

Life, other than what we see on this mystical sphere is still in question. Does life outside this sphere exist? And no, I’m not talking about people on the moon or the ISS launched by NASA. I’m talking about factual non-biological extraterrestrial verve. Something so out of the ordinary and virtually refuted by the powerful men of this world, for reasons we could only contemplate.

From the images and designs projected by various TV Shows, off the top of my head, "The X-Files", we could only imagine these ‘aliens’ to be little gray men bleeding green blood. What the government would do in an attempt to bury the truth from a world so wanting to see and believe. Not without proof.

Even if they did exist, would they be a result of God’s creation or would it be evolution? Could we come to accept both? Scientists found water on Mars and from what we know, water is essential to all forms of life. This would mean evolution. Where does our faith fit in?

For every instance of unexplained phenomenon our scientists manage to assemble the most plausible explanation. What we really want to know is, do they secretly explore other angles? Apart from what’s printed, are there tests or experiments conducted to contradict these explanations?

No one will know.

Truth is a relative term that can be misrepresented as man decides how he may bend it to serve his principles.


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